"All worthwhile fossils are found in an expensive to get to location or, if local, 10 miles past the end of a 4-wheel-drive road.¬ÝThe water will always make you sick.¬ÝIt will either be very hot or very cold and the wind will always blow.¬ÝThe fossil will be more than 100 feet up or down the face of a cliff. The rock will always be harder than concrete and everything in the area will bite (or sting)."
Thalassina anomala mangrove lobster Gunn River, Australia Cenozoic Era, Quaternary Period,
Recent Epoch |
Too young to be an old fossil?
Bison hump vertebra* Ice Age Glaciation, Nebraska Cenozoic Era, Quaternary Period,
Pleistocene Epoch |
Carcharocles megalodon (extinct 'great white shark') River deposits, South Carolina Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Miocene Epoch |
Chesopectens sp. (scallop) and barnacles Richmond, Virginia Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Miocene Epoch |
Pinnixa galliheri "pea crabs" Monterey Formation (Aguajita Member), Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Miocene Epoch |
Turritella terebralis and Eutriofusis burdigalensis Formation unknown, France Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, early
Miocene Epoch |
Stylemys nebraskensis (tortoise) White River Badlands, Sioux Co., Nebraska Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene
Epoch |
Terrapene sp. (box turtle) Formation unknown, Nebraska Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene
Epoch |
Terrestrial isopod (pillbug) in amber Dominican Republic Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene
Epoch |
Brontops sp.
(titanothere tooth) Cypress Hills Formation, Saskatchewan, Canada Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene
Epoch |
Jianghanicthys hubeiensis* Formation unknown, China Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Eocene
Epoch |
Palaeoperca multiformis Messel, Germany Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Eocene
Epoch |
35-57 Mya |
35-57 Mya |
35-57 Mya |
This deposit was formed by the tidal wave that accompanied the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs 65 Mya |
Plesiosaur phalanges Judith River Formation, Montana Mesozoic Era, late Cretaceous Period |
Carpopenaeus callirostris
(shrimp) Cenomanian Formation, Hjoula, (Hakel), Lebanon Mesozoic Era, late Cretaceous Period |
about 100 Mya |
65-145 Mya |
lungfish concretion Formation unknown, China Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period (?) |
Hemiaster whitei (sea urchins)* Goodland Formation, Lake Texoma, TX Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period |
Heptagenia sp. (mayfly nymphs) Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, China Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period |
Scaphites sp. (cephalopod) Bearpaw Shale Formation, Rosebud Co., MT Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period |
Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensis Sihetun,Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, China about 140 Mya |
Peipiaosteus pani (a relative of modern sturgeons) early Cretaceous Period about 140-150 Mya |
Enchodus sp. Formation unknown, Morocco Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period |
Saccocoma perctinate (floating crinoids) Plattenkalk Formation, Solnhofen, Germany Mesozoic Era, late Jurassic Period |
Lycoptera davidi (bony-tongued fish) Dinosaur beds, Rehe Formation, Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, China Mesozoic Era, late Jurassic Period |
Ophiopetra sp. (brittle starfish)* Malm Zeta (Solnhofen) Formation, Heinheim, Germany Mesozoic Era, Jurassic Period |
Dactyloceras sp. (ammonite cephalopods) Formation unknown, Germany Mesozoic Era, Jurassic Period |
Lias Beds, Lyme Regis, England Mesozoic Era, Jurassic Period |
Parasemionotus labordie (holostean fish) (Order: Amiiformes Family: Parasemionotidae) Madagascar Mesozoic Era, early Triassic Period |
Aeduella blainvillei Muse Pres d'Atun, France Paleozoic Era, Permian Period |
Coprinoscolex illogimus (echiuran) |
Mazoglossus ramsdelli (hemichordate 'acorn worm') |
about 300 Mya |
330-360 Mya |
330-360 Mya |
Macrocrinus mundulus crinoid* Edwardsville Formation, Crawford, IN Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (Mississippian)
Period |
Evactoporina bryozoans and horn coral* Reeds Spring Formation, Taney County, MO
Taxocrinus sp. (crinoid) County Antrim, Ireland Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (Mississippian)
Period |
330-360 Mya |
330-360 Mya |
Chotecops sp.* Hunsruckschiefer Formation, Bundenbach, Germany Paleozoic Era, Devonian Period |
lobe-finned fish Gaspe region, eastern Canada. This site was recently featured in National
Geographic Paleozoic Era, Devonian Period |
Formation unknown, Oklahoma about 400 Mya |
About 400 Mya |
(there are also two brachiopods on the Huntonia) about 400 Mya |
About 400 Mya |
Platystoma sp.
(gastropod) Waldron Shale Formation, Waldron, Indiana Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period |
Encrinurus sp. (trilobites) Trilobite beds, China Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period |
Eurypterus remipes (sea scorpion) Fiddler's Green Formation, Herkimer County, New York Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period |
Rochester Formation, Orland, County, NY Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period |
Dalmanites limulurus (trilobite) Rochester Formation, Middleport, NY Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period |
Lituites (Trilacinoceras) hunanense Baota Formation, Yongshun, Hunan Province, China Paleozoic Era, middle Ordovician
Period |
4bout 440-450 Mya |
439-510 Mya |
edrioasteroid echinoderm* 439-510 Mya |
Criner Hills, Carter County, Oklahoma 439-510 Mya |
Ogygiocaris sarsi "Totenprinsessen", Norway Paleozoic Era, Ordovician Period |
Discoceras sp. Oslofeltet, Norway Paleozoic Era, Ordovician Period |
(graptolite hemichordates) (Yapeenian stage) about 500 Mya |
about 500 Mya |
Angelina sedgwicki * Named for the Revd. Adam Sedgwick (the
19th Century Tremadoc Formation (Garth Hill Slate) Paleozoic Era, early Ordovician Period |
Ellipsocephalus hoffi (trilobite) Jince, Czech Republic Paleozoic Era, Cambrian Period |
Cambropallas (formerly Andalusiana) telesto* Paradoxides beds, Morocco Paleozoic Era, middle
Cambrian Period |
Chancelloria eros* Wheeler Formation, Millard County, UT Paleozoic Era, middle Cambrian Period |
Hunanolenus genalatus* Trilobite beds, Hunan Province, China Paleozoic Era, Cambrian Period |
Peronopsis intersticta (blind pelagic trilobites) Wheeler Shale Formation, Millard Co., Utah Paleozoic Era, middle Cambrian Period |
Hyolithes crecops* while other consider them to be members of another phylum This animal is similar to ones found in the Burgess Shale formation About 540 Mya |
The oldest animal in my collection (so far) This is from the Chinese equivalent of the Burgess Shale Formation about 570 Mya |
*Photo and/or specimen from: www.extinctions.com
Last Updated: Thursday, 4 August 2005, 3:00 PM