"All worthwhile fossils are found in an expensive to get to location or, if local, 10 miles past the end of a 4-wheel-drive road.¬ÝThe water will always make you sick.¬ÝIt will either be very hot or very cold and the wind will always blow.¬ÝThe fossil will be more than 100 feet up or down the face of a cliff. The rock will always be harder than concrete and everything in the area will bite (or sting)."

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Thalassina anomala mangrove lobster

Gunn River, Australia

Cenozoic Era, Quaternary Period, Recent Epoch
(about 4,000 years ago)

Too young to be an old fossil?

These tropical lobsters (called 'yabbies') live in 1-m deep burrows in calcium-rich sediments. They are definitely not extinct, but are nocturnal and rarely seen alive. Yabbies are sometimes entombed in their burrows as a result of catastrophic storms. After burial, their exoskeleton is replaced (fossilized) primarily with calcium carbonate and traces of magnesium, strontium, and iron. Fossilization takes place with unusual speed due to the very high concentration of minerals in these sediments.

Bison hump vertebra*

Ice Age Glaciation, Nebraska

Cenozoic Era, Quaternary Period, Pleistocene Epoch
about 100,000 years ago

Note: this tooth is actual size, from a 40+-foot shark!

Carcharocles megalodon (extinct 'great white shark')

River deposits, South Carolina

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Miocene Epoch
About 2 Mya

Chesopectens sp. (scallop) and barnacles

Richmond, Virginia

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Miocene Epoch
About 10 Mya


Pinnixa galliheri "pea crabs"

Monterey Formation (Aguajita Member),
C armel, California

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Miocene Epoch
About 10-12 Mya


Turritella terebralis and Eutriofusis burdigalensis

Formation unknown, France

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, early Miocene Epoch
About 20 Mya

Stylemys nebraskensis (tortoise)

White River Badlands, Sioux Co., Nebraska

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene Epoch
About 30 Mya

Terrapene sp. (box turtle)

Formation unknown, Nebraska

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene Epoch
About 30 Mya

Terrestrial isopod (pillbug) in amber

Dominican Republic

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene Epoch 
23-35 Mya 

Brontops sp. (titanothere tooth)
These mammals were larger than elephants!

Cypress Hills Formation, Saskatchewan, Canada

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Oligocene Epoch
23-35 Mya


Jianghanicthys hubeiensis*

Formation unknown, China

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Eocene Epoch
35-57 Mya

Palaeoperca multiformis
One of the first percid fishes

Messel, Germany
This site is world famous for its fossils of early mammals

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Eocene Epoch
35-57 Mya 

 Amphiplaga brachyptera*

Green River Formation, Kemmerer, Wyoming

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Eocene Epoch
35-57 Mya

 Eohiodon falcatus*

Green River Formation, Kemmerer, Wyoming

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Eocene Epoch
35-57 Mya


Diplomystus dentatus*

Green River Formation, Kemmerer, Wyoming

Cenozoic Era, Tertiary Period, Eocene Epoch
35-57 Mya


Exogyria sp. (bivalve)

Tsunami Deposits, Braggs , Alabama
This deposit was formed by the tidal wave
that accompanied the asteroid impact
that killed the dinosaurs

Mesozoic Era, late Cretaceous Period
65 Mya 

 Plesiosaur phalanges

Judith River Formation, Montana

Mesozoic Era, late Cretaceous Period
about 65-80 Mya 

 Carpopenaeus callirostris (shrimp)
Cyclobatis longicaudatus (stingray skeletal elements)*

Cenomanian Formation, Hjoula, (Hakel), Lebanon

Mesozoic Era, late Cretaceous Period
about 65-80 Mya 


Armigatus brevissimus

Cenomanian Formation, Hjoula, (Hakel), Lebanon

Mesozoic Era, middle Cretaceous Period
about 100 Mya 

Meyeria sp. (lobster)

Isle of Wight, Great Britain

Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period
65-145 Mya 

lungfish concretion

Formation unknown, China

Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period (?)
65-145 Mya 


Hemiaster whitei (sea urchins)*

Goodland Formation, Lake Texoma, TX

Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period
65-145 Mya 

Heptagenia sp. (mayfly nymphs)

Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, China

Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period
65-145 Mya 

Scaphites sp. (cephalopod)

Bearpaw Shale Formation, Rosebud Co., MT

Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period
65-145 Mya 


Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensis

Jiulongsong Member, Chaomidianzi Formation (Jehol),
Sihetun,Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, China

Mesozoic Era, early Cretaceous Period
about 140 Mya


Peipiaosteus pani
(a relative of modern sturgeons)

Pani Lake Formation, Liaoning Province, China

Mesozoic Era, late Jurassic or
early Cretaceous Period

about 140-150 Mya

Enchodus sp.
(tooth of a 3-m 'saber-toothed' fish)

Formation unknown, Morocco

Mesozoic Era, Cretaceous Period
65-145 Mya 

Saccocoma perctinate (floating crinoids)

Plattenkalk Formation, Solnhofen, Germany

Mesozoic Era, late Jurassic Period
about 150 Mya 

 Lycoptera davidi (bony-tongued fish)

Dinosaur beds, Rehe Formation, Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, China

Mesozoic Era, late Jurassic Period
about 150 Mya 

 Ophiopetra sp. (brittle starfish)*

Malm Zeta (Solnhofen) Formation, Heinheim, Germany

Mesozoic Era, Jurassic Period
145-208 Mya

Dactyloceras sp. (ammonite cephalopods)

Formation unknown, Germany

Mesozoic Era, Jurassic Period
145-208 Mya

sp. (ammonite cephalopod)*

Lias Beds, Lyme Regis, England

Mesozoic Era, Jurassic Period
145-208 Mya

Parasemionotus labordie (holostean fish)

(Order: Amiiformes Family: Parasemionotidae)
A relative of the modern bowfin


Mesozoic Era, early Triassic Period
about 240 Mya

Aeduella blainvillei

Muse Pres d'Atun, France

Paleozoic Era, Permian Period
245-286 Mya

Coprinoscolex illogimus (echiuran)

 Mazoglossus ramsdelli (hemichordate 'acorn worm')

  Pit 11, Mazon Creek, Francis Creek Shale, Carbondale Formation, Braidwodd. IL

This site is world-famous for its well-preserved fossils of soft-bodied animals

Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (middle Pennsylvanian) Period
about 300 Mya


Archimedes wortheni (bryozoan)*

Edwardsville Formation, Crawfordsville, Indiana

Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period
330-360 Mya

Crinoid, blastoid (echinoderms), and brachiopod*

Ridenhower Formation, Floraville, IL

Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period
330-360 Mya


 Macrocrinus mundulus crinoid*

Edwardsville Formation, Crawford, IN

Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period
330-360 Mya

 Evactoporina bryozoans and horn coral*

Reeds Spring Formation, Taney County, MO


Taxocrinus sp. (crinoid)

County Antrim, Ireland

Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period
330-360 Mya

 Unidentified nautilloid cepalopod*

Bear Gulch Formation, MT

Paleozoic Era, Mississippian Period
330-360 Mya

 Pentremites sp. (blastoid echinoderms)*

Ridenhower Formation, Millstadt, Illinois

Paleozoic Era, Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period
330-360 Mya


Chotecops sp.*
Rare view of the underside of a trilobite!

Hunsruckschiefer Formation, Bundenbach, Germany

Paleozoic Era, Devonian Period
360-409 Mya

 lobe-finned fish
The oldest fish in my collection (so far)

Gaspe region, eastern Canada.

This site was recently featured in National Geographic
as one of the "nurseries" for the development of amphibians

Paleozoic Era, Devonian Period
360-409 Mya

Lepidocolus sp. (a machaeridian or 'armored worm')
Formation unknown, Oklahoma

Paleozoic Era, early Devonian Period
about 400 Mya


Reedops deckeri  (trilobite)*

Haragan Formation, Coal County, OK

Paleozoic Era, early Devonian Period
About 400 Mya

Huntonia sp. cephalon and Paciphacops campbelli*
(there are also two brachiopods on the Huntonia)

Haragan Formation, Coal County, OK

Paleozoic Era, early Devonian Period
about 400 Mya


Kainops raymondi (trilobite) and unidentified nautiloid*

Haragan Formation, Coal County, OK

Paleozoic Era, early Devonian Period
About 400 Mya


Platystoma sp. (gastropod)
Eucalyptocrinites sp. (crinoid)
Calymene breviceps (trilobite)*

Waldron Shale Formation, Waldron, Indiana

Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period
409-439 Mya

 Encrinurus sp. (trilobites)

Trilobite beds, China

Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period
409-439 Mya

Eurypterus remipes (sea scorpion)

Fiddler's Green Formation, Herkimer County, New York

Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period
about410 Mya

(colonial hemichordates)

Rochester Formation, Orland, County, NY

Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period
409-439 Mya


Dalmanites limulurus (trilobite)

Rochester Formation, Middleport, NY

Paleozoic Era, Silurian Period
409-439 Mya

Lituites (Trilacinoceras) hunanense
nautiloid cephalopod

Baota Formation, Yongshun, Hunan Province, China

Paleozoic Era, middle Ordovician Period
about 450-470 Mya


Isotelus mafritzae (trilobite)

Cobourg Formation of Ontario, Canada

Paleozoic Era, late Ordovician Period
4bout 440-450 Mya

Asaphus cornutus (trilobites)

Asery Level Formation, Wolchow River, St. Petersburg, Russia

Paleozoic Era, Ordovician Period
439-510 Mya


Isorophusella incondita
edrioasteroid echinoderm*

Bobcaygeon Formation, Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada

Paleozoic Era, Ordovician Period
439-510 Mya

 Homotelus bromidensis (trilobites)

Pooleville Member, Bromide Formation
Criner Hills, Carter County, Oklahoma

Paleozoic Era, Ordovician Period
439-510 Mya

Ogygiocaris sarsi

"Totenprinsessen", Norway

Paleozoic Era, Ordovician Period
439-510 Mya


Discoceras sp.
nautiloid cephalopod

Oslofeltet, Norway

Paleozoic Era, Ordovician Period
439-510 Mya

Didymograptus and Tetragraptus
(graptolite hemichordates)

Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

Paleozoic Era, early Ordovician Period
(Yapeenian stage)

about 500 Mya


Proplina cornutaformis (monoplacophoran mollusc)*

Gasconade Formation, Washington County, Missouri

Paleozoic Era, early Ordovician Period
about 500 Mya

Angelina sedgwicki *

Named for the Revd. Adam Sedgwick (the 19th Century
Cambridge geologist who coined the term "Cambrian")
Note the deformation of the rock and trilobite!

Tremadoc Formation (Garth Hill Slate)
Garth Hill, Y Garth, Porthmadog, Gwynedd, Wales

Paleozoic Era, early Ordovician Period
about 500 Mya

Ellipsocephalus hoffi (trilobite)

Jince, Czech Republic

Paleozoic Era, Cambrian Period
470-570 Mya

Cambropallas (formerly Andalusiana) telesto*

Paradoxides beds, Morocco

  Paleozoic Era, middle Cambrian Period
about 540 Mya

Chancelloria eros*
Once thought to be a glass sponge,
now considered to belong to a different phylum
(Coeloscleritophora). This animal is also similar
to species found in the Burgess Shale formation

Wheeler Formation, Millard County, UT

Paleozoic Era, middle Cambrian Period
about 540 Mya

Hunanolenus genalatus*
(formerly Redlichlia chinensis)

Trilobite beds, Hunan Province, China

Paleozoic Era, Cambrian Period
470-570 Mya

 Peronopsis intersticta (blind pelagic trilobites)

Wheeler Shale Formation, Millard Co., Utah

Paleozoic Era, middle Cambrian Period
About 540 Mya

Hyolithes crecops*

SoSome researchers consider these animals to be mollusks,
while other consider them to be members of another phylum
This animal is similar to ones found in the Burgess Shale formation

Spence Shale Formation, Spence Gulch Liberty, Idaho

Paleozoic Era, middle Cambrian Period
About 540 Mya

Maotianshania cylindrica (priapulid)
The oldest animal in my collection (so far)
This is from the Chinese equivalent of the Burgess Shale Formation

Maotienshan Shale, Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China

Paleozoic Era, early Cambrian Period
about 570 Mya

*Photo and/or specimen from: www.extinctions.com

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Last Updated: Thursday, 4 August 2005, 3:00 PM